Beavers Crying Wolf. A Powerful Libertarian Network Backs Free-Speech Theatrics on MIT’s Campus
Jeremy Flores et Amber Durrell, 2023 #article
The sobering question becomes: how much of the $35 billion under management at Andreessen Horowitz is dedicated to insane and cynical notions? What about the $11 billion under management by Thiel’s Founders Fund? Or the Y Combinator portfolio with a collective valuation of over a trillion dollars? Or MIT’s $23 billion dollar endowment? And, how much of MIT’s and other legitimate institutions’ time, energy, and other resources have been swept up in the insanity while climate disasters proceed unaddressed, even unacknowledged? Many of the corruptions we are now witnessing can be seen simply as engineering problems and poor—or simply expired—constructions. That is, MIT and other institutions that have experienced incursions of anti-democratic ideologies must have specific—and, to the minds of those who still retain objectivity and ability, correctable—architectural flaws.
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